Saturday, January 25, 2020

Gifts to share, life on the beach, life on the sands of time, hard knocks and all, joys and pains, trips to hell and back, great things to do. Practice not to fail, in all things that you try, time and space to spare, tales to write online.

3 Hard Knocks: Schools, Classes, Lessons Learned: Dates.SHOUT OUT TO OUR TROOPS! Tell me why. Waiting for the man on the moon. Not. Practice not to fail, in all things that you try.
Gifts to share, life on the beach, life on the sands of time, hard knocks and all, joys and pains, trips to hell and back, great things to do. Practice not to fail, in all things that you try, time and space to spare, tales to write online.

“Never judge someone's character based on the words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad judgment.” Gifts to share, life on the beach, life on the sands of time, hard knocks and all, joys and pains, trips to hell and back, great things to do. Practice not to fail, in all things that you try, time and space to spare, tales to write online.

This fellow said to me - if you think someones'doing you wrong, it's not for you to judge. Kill them first and then God can do the judging.”Gifts to share, life on the beach, life on the sands of time, hard knocks and all, joys and pains, trips to hell and back, great things to do. Practice not to fail, in all things that you try, time and space to spare, tales to write online.

Blue dreams to smoke or not. Have to say, lots on my mind, dimes to drop, sons to shine, hits and misses, strangers to f friends, friends to family, family to what, circles of heads in the sands of time. Lawyer: Home Base Huntington Beach: Heads Above The Common Joes.Hello world!Eggs To Fires, Songs To Sing, Joy In The Morning.

"No voice has ever spoken such transcendent truth with such authority and communicated it so effectively. It will be many generations before music again produces an artist so respected and beloved world-wide as Bob Marley. My colleagues and I have just introduced a bill to require paper ballots in all federal elections. The reason is simple - Russia can't hack a piece of paper.
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A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. Back in time when life was younger, had a job or two working for the government, for over 3 decades, lots of fish in the seas.Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.

Horse and Pony Shows, Clowns have left, Find Out What Home Fits You.Golden Cattle: Sire Licks? Undead and Unstable Still: Hopes, Wishes, Prayers up in the air, thanks to heavevrns, stars above, angels in hosts, like stars at night.DAUGHTERSHOT Mean and nasty,"you think I give a fuck, go suck a rock, games on land to play. Monkeys Riding Sharks, Monkey Tales, Monkeys See...Treats On The Water: monkey riding a shark is a sport today. Stop Living Someone Else's Life..

Become Who You're... Sharks In The Waters, Yellow And Black, Worms In Seas, Monkeys Tales, Donkeys Tales To Pin. Glory Dazes To Come.Cows on land, cows in the seven seas, dates on the sands of time, dates in a tin can, dates with freaks, frogs, and snakes in the grass, dances on water, dances for the light of day, glory dazes to come.

Lessons, lies, luck, love, dicks and darkness, snakes in grass, monkeys to ride sharks, land whales to dance alone, herds to come, herds to go, lights to shine on land and water.Back in time when life was younger, had a job or two working for the government, for over 3 decades, lots of fish in the seas.Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.

Blue dreams to smoke or not. Have to say, lots on my mind, dimes to drop, sons to shine, hits and misses, strangers to f friends, friends to family, family to what, circles of heads in the sands of time. Lawyer: Home Base Huntington Beach: Heads Above The Common Joes.Hello world!Eggs To Fires, Songs To Sing, Joy In The Morning.

Love and hate horns on a goat, love eveybody in your family all the time...? boats to skies, dream lives to share the joys and pains of love and hate, Man for a women for a trick or trade always searching for prey to rob, steal and tell white lies, with shades of gray on truthful and honest...Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.

Nightmare still.....issues of dogs, dawgs, frogs and snakes in green grass. Happy Holidays to the undead and unstable freaks out at night. Sergio Perez, The more you know, Jokes and Laughs, Pigs Do Fly, Cows and Buff forever. Thanx for the invitation hun...MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY .OH C.C.C.!🙏 Religion 🎓 College Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Family Affairs, Lovers,Daily Birthdays.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.


A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior. A twinkling light in a faint place, a pleasant surprise. Sun is too close, too bright. Stars are smaller, safer.Lines, life lines, pick-up lines. Distinctive difference.

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Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.Dear SHEEP. SPRUCE POWER,‘THE REFUSAL,’DAN EVANS ,Lic. # 01324544.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:

 Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.   Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.Dear SHEEP. SPRUCE POWER...