Saturday, August 1, 2020

THX! Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues:Graduated from Chapman University. Purple Rain: Dances For Luck, Love, Lessons: Daily. Holidays, Birthdays, Great Days Daily, Pages To Books, Birds And Bees, Songs On Winds.

We are always reminded there are times and seasons for everything. THX! Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues:Graduated from Chapman University. Purple Rain: Dances For Luck, Love, Lessons: Daily. Holidays, Birthdays, Great Days Daily, Pages To Books, Birds And Bees, Songs On Winds. 

Disney Park Deaths That Made Disneyland A Living Nightmare
Family Affairs, Branches On A Tree, Nuts To stand alone, History Of bumps in the road,the bits and pits in the cherries, lessons learned over the decades. Disney Park Deaths That Made Disneyland A Living Nightmares.Veterans Shot On Sight, Pot, 420 In Cakes, Rites,Reasons, Losers, Winners, Losers, Count Rats Again.

Willing to put everything I have to offer but I'm being cautious about who I open that door to into my life. I'm relaxing tonight watch a movie and have a glass of wine.Just to let you know, Frank Agresti, were never friends, was a fat guy with no money, no life, no dick, had a car and it cost to much.Frank Agresti added, for the laughs, for the threats on Facebook.


Lots of ways to grow, lots of ways to turn on the lights, sinners and saints, plenty of frogs in the seas of more frogs. Birds and bees to fly away, out of the mud, out of the dirt, out of the sands of time, with fish to eat frogs, plenty of fish in the seas. stories left, dust in the winds.Twists And Turns, Normal, Common, Crazy, Weird To Fine, Nuts To Stand Tall.

There is a time to die and live..a time to learn and teach...a time to fight and a time to retreat.A time to struggle and succeed.There are many who do not like to flow with times and seasons.But this is a universal law to all things.

And regardless of how many like to try to alter the time and seasons God set up in our lives by trying to manipulate time it will not be altered.Everything God release is a result of the fullness of time.In the fullness of time God sent forth his Son into the world to redeem all mankind.
Regardless of how many anxiously prayed or wanted him to come before time.He could not come until his time ..which is the fullness of time.And his death was the same way as well as his return.Nothing can be released in this realm unless it is instructed by the fullness of time that is governed by God alone.
51 members of Congress or their spouses own between $2.8 million to $5.3 million worth of stock in the top 30 defense contractors worldwide, Sludge reported on Monday, thus placing them in a position to potentially profit from the U.S. military contracting process or wars waged with the firms’ equ...

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